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A Message from Amci:

Updated: May 27, 2021

I have chosen to focus on the voices of womxn who have immigrated to the U.S. By doing this project I hope to bring light to the womxn migrant community that has been silent for so many years. I want others to hear their voices, struggles, battles, fights, sacrifices, resistance, and resilience that have shaped their lives. Taking a sociology course in one of my fall quarters at UCSD also made me pick this topic because I was able to change my perspective of immigration and would like others to also see this. The U.S has always criminalized immigration, but the U.S has also contributed/ forced people to migrate. Pushing them to leave their countries of origin for U.S purposes and at the same time denying them basic rights and citizenship. I have grown a passion for this topic and hope to keep navigating this issue with other fellow students. I hope to learn the different aspects and situations that drove womxn to migrate to the U.S. I want to be able to hear their stories and share them with everyone to recognize and honor their sacrifices. I want to learn and analyze the different intersections of race, ethnicity, gender, and socio-economic status define immigrants in U.S society and how this intertwines with racism and inequality. Lastly, I hope to learn from different womxn about their cultures and make great friends in the making of this project

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